Sunday, March 18, 2012


a hot steamy jungle with tangling undergrowth and huge trees.


a forest with thick under growth and lots of trees.


camp is a clearing surrounded with thick closely grown trees with brambles weaved inbetween them. the entrance is a hole rimmed with brambles that must be jumped through. and theres the Cub size hole behind the nursery. how prey gets in is the pieces are torn off the carcass and flung through. to get to the nursery there is a hole in the walls and a cave of brambles which in spring and summer have black fruit on them. behind the nesting pile of softness is a tunnel just large enough for Cubs to fit though. the tunnel leads to a skinny but flexable tree with high branches for the cubs and kits to escape to.

Join The Pride!

you are prowling the forest floor on new territory when you are lept on from above. you twist your head, expecting to see the snarling face of a panther, not a young tiger looking down with annoyed eyes. "ya know ur on my land right? well since you dont look that well i guess ill go ahead and ask."(long pause)"would ya like to join the pride?"

if so then fill out this form or meet this cubs fierce mother.

Basic Personality:
Anything Else:

ok so now for the telling about all the joining stuff.

there are really only two ta chose from unless ur lucky. those to are green.
Hunter and Fighter

Type, Age, Markings:
 Types of felines are:
tiger(like this: snow bengal tiger, not: tiger)
panther(black panther)
snow leopard
mountain lion(AKA puma, catamount, felis concolor, puma concolor and ect.)
ages are basics and marked by how many moons(months) old a feline is
Kit(0-6 moons): stays with mother
Cub(6-12 moons): training
Young Adult(12- 24 moons): taking up responsibility for clan.
Adult(over 24 moons): full member and able to go on serious battles.
markings are scars, distinctive markings not for example you have a tiger and you say "striped".

Kay your just about ready to join. just two rules for joining.

1. pics must be real and match your feline.
2. please do not join and then start commenting before you are added. nor should you play one who will join later. just say on Anything Else: please do not add until i say on the chat.

thats it!